It is impossible to characterize the current state and identify prospects of development of the linguistic terminology of the Crimean Tatar language without evaluation of the contribution made by linguists of the past to the development of the problem and the importance of their concept for science in general. This determines the need for historical perspective i.e. the necessity of identifying and studying linguistic terminology in the Crimean Tatar language textbooks published in the 1920–1940s and the specific character of the language policy in that period. The article describes the formation of the Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology of the pre-war period, and includes a range of sources that may be useful for the formation of modern Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology. The value of linguistic debate of 1920–1930s for the Crimean Tatar terminology formation is considered. The broad discussion on scientific terminology in this period made the work on the creation of the Crimean Tatar scientific terminology (including linguistic terminology) more systematic. It was the time when a large number of textbooks and teaching guides were written in Crimean Tatar, and the foundations for the mo-dern linguistic term system were laid. An important role in the development of the Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology system was played by the research activity of the Crimean Tatar leaders, such as I. Gasprinsky, Sh. Bektore, B. Choban-zade, E. A. Kurtmollayev, A. Islyamov, U. Kurkchy, etc. Their scientific heritage is a valuable source on the history of the Crimean Tatar linguistics and provides a wealth of material to address the urgent problems of the modern Crimean Tatar scientific terminology.
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Crimean Tatar grammar, modern linguistic terminology, Source
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