

  М. Tarasenko


The paper is devoted to an unpublished scroll of the Book of the Dead from the Istanbul archaeological museum No. 10846–10847 (Ptolemaic Period). The origin of this document and circumstances of its acquisition are unknown. The scroll is strongly fragmented and consists of two parts. The bottom half is destroyed, only insignificant part of the hieroglyphic text remained (spells 1 (?), 15 and 17 can be identified). In the top part polychrome vignettes of a number of spells are drawn in detail: 1) 1–15–17; 2) 59–60–86–81–88–87–163–162. Proceeding from an iconography of vignettes, the woman was the owner of a scroll, but her name wasn’t preserved. Over the graphic frieze of the first part there is the addition which has kept a name of her mother, Irti-r-w that gives some hypothetical opportunities for establishment of her genealogy.

How to Cite

TarasenkoМ. (2014). BOOK OF THE DEAD PAPYRUS ISTANBUL NO. 10846–10847. The World of the Orient, (3 (84), 77-84.
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Book of the Dead, fragments, Istanbul, Museum of the Ancient East, papyrus, Ptolemaic period, Vignettes


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