

  М. Tarasenko


The publication of mummy-cover fragment from the Lviv Museum of History of Religion (Inv. No. Ar–227) is given in the paper. The preserved part of the monument is not large (51 x 26 cm) and does not contain the name of the owner. The monument originates from the private collection of the family of Polish Princes Lubomirski. It was acquired during the trip of Prince Andrzej Lubomirski to Egypt in 1887. The funerary formula on the mummy-cover Ar–227 has a direct analogy on the anonymous mummy-cover Torino CGT 10018. Both might belong to the same Theban workshop and probably were made-for-sale products.

How to Cite

TarasenkoМ. (2014). THE FRAGMENT OF MUMMY-COVER INV. NO. AR–227 FROM THE LVIV MUSEUM OF HISTORY OF RELIGION. The World of the Orient, (4 (85), 104-109.
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21st Dynasty, Egyptian collection, Lviv Museum of History of Religion, mummy cover, Prince Lubomirski


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