

  М. Tarasenko


The paper proposes the first Ukrainian translation of the 41st chapter of the Book of the Dead based on the text of the papyrus of Nebseni (pLondon BM EA 9900, Saqqara, 18th Dynasty). The spell have a title: “Spell for warding off the slaughter that is done in the Necropolis”. For all periods of the functioning of the Book of the Dead its spell 41 is known from 115 copies presented on papyri (101), mummy bandages (9), decoration of tombs (4) and coffin (1). The records of the 41st chapter from the time of the New kingdom are known from eight scrolls only. All documents are dated by the 18th Dynasty (1550–1295 BC). From the Ramesside Period the documents with the 41st chapter are absent. The use of this spell resumed only in the Third Intermediate Period. Among all 18th Dynasty copies of this spell the text version in the papyrus of Nebseni is the largest and the best preserved one. The article reviews the history of the development of the text of the spell at all phases of the evolution of this collection. The overview of development of pictorial tradition of the spell is also provided. Formation of the iconography of vignettes of the 41st chapter in the late Book of the Dead redaction is based on the elements of another spell, the 42nd chapter of the Book of the Dead, which has a similar heading: “Spell for warding off the slaughter that is done in Heracleopolis Magna (Nen-nesut)”. In the later pictorial tradition of the chapter 42 former methods of illustration disappear and a new type of iconographic images that inherits to type “B” appears, while type “A” vignettes of the spell 42 were transformed into the chapter 41 vignettes. It should be noted that in the New Kingdom the chapter 41 was almost not illustrated: its only vignette is found in the papyrus of Neferubenef pParis Louvre N. 3092. Finally, the genetic connection of vignettes of the chapters 41 and 42 is attested by the fact that in the 18 sources representing the Late and Ptolemaic Periods the text of spell 42 is illustrated with the vignettes of spell 41.

How to Cite

TarasenkoМ. (2016). SPELL 41 OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD: TEXT AND VIGNETTES. The World of the Orient, (2-3 (91-92), 80-90. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2016.02.080
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Ancient Egypt, Book of the Dead, Spell 41, Vignettes


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