

  O. Bachynska


Proposed research touches on documents of the State Archives of Odesa Region (Ukraine) that contain information about history or description of everyday life of Istanbul population and leaders of the Ottoman Empire. These materials may be divided into several parts. The first one provides the possibility of studying the activity of scholars of educational and scientific institutions of Odesa, who were in Istanbul with specific missions (such as foundation of the Russian Archaeological Institute) and left their reports and memoirs. The second part of documents contains information regarding the Ukraine Cossack emigration, which appeared, settled and served in Istanbul for a variety of reasons. For example, representatives of these groups were Ukrainian officials of the highest rank: chieftain M. Chaikovskiy (Sadyk-pasha), Zaporozhian Cossacks (Potkalı Kazakları), who soldiered in Istanbul regiment, worked on canals building in Istanbul, were in the service of the wealthy civilian and military leaders etc. The third group of documents are reports of Russian officials that reflect political evidences in Istanbul and its outskirts, activity and description of the Ottoman population. Documents cover the period from the end of the eighteenth century up to the beginning of the twentieth century.

How to Cite

Bachynska, O. (2019). HISTORY OF EVERYDAY LIFE OF ISTANBUL ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENTS FROM STATE ARCHIVES OF ODESA REGION. The World of the Orient, (2 (103), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2019.02.005
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Cossacks, Documents, history of everyday life, Istanbul, Ottoman population, scientists, State Archives of the Odesa region


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