

  Yu. Zavhorodnii


This article can be joined to the existing explorations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s interest in the religious and philosophical thought of India as a philosophical and nonacademic version of Orientalism. The peculiarity of the article is the analysis of Nietzsche’s indological vocabulary. Five of his works are taken into account. These are the following works: “Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future”, “On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic”, “Twilight of the Idols, or How to Philosophize with a Hammer”, “The Antichrist” and “Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is”. We found thirty words including proper names that are used 120 times. The most frequent among them are the following: caṇḍāla – used 24 times, Buddhism – used 16 times, Mānava-dharma-śāstra (“The Laws of Manu”) – used 11 times, and Buddha – used 10 times.
The main part of the article consists of Nietzsche’s indological vocabulary (as a separate table) and three other sections. The first deals with Nietzsche’s understanding of India, Indian and Indians. Such Vedic and Hindu concepts as ārya, Veda, Mānava-dharma-śāstra, caṇḍāla, śūdra, Brahman, manas, prāṇa, Sāṃkhya, Śaṅkara, Vedānta, Viśvamitra and others are analyzed in the second section. And finally, Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist, nirvāṇa, Rāhula are discussed in the third section.
The analysis of Nietzsche’s indological vocabulary showed that the way the German philosopher referred to Indian religious and philosophical thought is characterized by heterogeneity, ranging from typical, limited and erroneous knowledge (e.g. his India was exceptionally ancient, Advaita-Vedānta dominated among the other Vedānta sub-schools) to an innovative one (e.g. his prediction of European Buddhism, bold language experiments with Sanskrit). In that case Nietzsche’s understanding of Indian religious and philosophical thought outstripped his time, expanding beyond the existing intellectual horizons and attracting the next generations with its mysterious magnetism.

How to Cite

Zavhorodnii, Y. (2020). NIETZSCHE’S INDIA AS A PHILOSOPHICAL AND NONACADEMIC VERSION OF ORIENTALISM. The World of the Orient, (1 (106), 77-96.
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Brahman, Buddhism, caṇḍāla, Deussen, India, Indian Philosophy (thought, insight, Jacolliot, Mānava-dharma-śāstra, Nietzsche, nothingness, Orientalism, prāṇa, Sāṃ-khya, Schopenhauer, Vedānta, visionary, vocabulary)


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