

  Мун Хьончін


Мета цього дослідження – показати, що відносини між Кореєю та Японією на початку періоду Чосону досить сильно відрізнялися від сьогоднішнього стану відносин між двома країнами. Уряд Чосону видавав візи японцям, щоб контролювати їхній в’їзд у Чосон, і це обмежувало кількість суден, що заходили туди. Уряд навіть обмежував обсяг вантажу на суднах. Чосонська “політика контролю” та “політика зобов’язання” щодо Японії були запроваджені, щоб закріпити певні соціальні явища, але кілька випадків порушень все ж сталися. Для того щоб дослідити взаємозв’язок між політикою Чосону щодо Японії та скоєними злочинами, у цьому дослідженні використано нові терміни (політика контролю, політика зобов’язання), замість термінів (дипломатична політика, політика примирення), які нині широко використовуються в науковому обігу.

Як цитувати

Хьончін, М. (2015). ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВІДНОСИН МІЖ КОРЕЄЮ ТА ЯПОНІЄЮ В ХV СТОЛІТТІ. Східний світ, (2 (87), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2015.02.037
Переглядів статті: 132 | Завантажень PDF: 82


Ключові слова

відносини, Корея, Японія


Ariyi, Tomonori. A study on historical records related to Japan in Yijo sillok [A study on historical records related to Japan in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty] // Cheonggu Academic Thesis, 1993, No. 3.

Ha, Wubong. Joseon’s envoys to Japan and their perception about Japanese people during the early Joseon period // Treatises on Korean History, 1980, No. 14.

Han, Munjong. A study on the Joseon government’s diplomatic policies toward Japan during the early Joseon period: Focusing on Joseon’ relationship with Daemado // Chonbuk National University Doctorate Dissertation, 1996.

Han, Munjong. A relationship between Korea and Japan during the early Joseon period and the significance of year 1407 // Region and History, 2004, No. 22.

Kim, Byeongha. A study on Joseon’s trading policies toward Japan during the early Joseon period. Seoul, 1969.

Kim, Yonggi. Waemulgo during King Seongjong’s reign of the Joseon Dynasty [A study on Joseon’s shipping policies toward Japanese people during King Seongjong’s reign of the Joseon Dynasty] // The Pusan National University Theses Collection, 1964, No. 4.

Lee, Hyunjong. A study on the history of negotiations between Korea and Japan during the early Joseon period. Seoul, 1964.

Moon Hyoung-jin. The implementation of the Daemyeongryul Code during the early Joseon period // Department of History at the Korea University of Foreign Studies, 2000, No. 12.

Moon Hyoung-jin. Types of Joseon people’s crimes committed against the Japanese and the types of punishments during the early Joseon period // History and Cultural Studies, 2004, No. 21.

Moon Hyoung-jin. King Sejong’s engagement policies toward Japan and an increase in crimes // Japanese Studies, 2005, No. 24.

Na, Jongwu. A study on Korea-Japan cultural exchanges during the early Joseon period: Focusing on Japan’s transmission of Tripitaka Koreana // A collection of theses published in celebration of Prof. Yongarm Cha Munseob’s 60th birthday. 1989.

Nakamura, Hidetaka. A study on the history of Joseon-Japan relations [Research on Joseon-Japan Relations]. First Volume. Tokyo, 1965.

Son, Seungcheol. A study on Korea-Japan relations during the Joseon period. Seoul, 1994.

Son, Seungcheol. Dongpyeonggwan Lodging and Waein in Seoul during the early Joseon period [Lodgings for Japanese people in Seoul during the early Joseon period] // Local Seoul, 1996, No. 56.

Son, Seungcheol. Repatriation of piro and drifters during the early Joseon period and an international order in Northeast Asia [Repatriation of captives and drifters during the early Joseon period and an international order in Northeast Asia] // A study on Korean and Japanese drifters during the Joseon period / The Korea-Japan Historical Society (ed.). Seoul, 2001.


Ariyi Tomonori (1993), “A study on historical records related to Japan in Yijo sillok” [A study on historical records related to Japan in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty], in Cheonggu Academic Thesis, No. 3.

Ha Wubong (1980), “Joseon’s envoys to Japan and their perception about Japanese people during the early Joseon period”, in Treatises on Korean History, No. 14.

Han Munjong (1996), A study on the Joseon government’s diplomatic policies toward Japan during the early Joseon period: Focusing on Joseon’ relationship with Daemado, Chonbuk National University Doctorate Dissertation.

Han Munjong (2004), “A relationship between Korea and Japan during the early Joseon period and the significance of year 1407”, Region and History, No. 22.

Kim Byeongha (1969), A study on Joseon’s trading policies toward Japan during the early Joseon period, Seoul.

Kim Yonggi (1964), “Waemulgo during King Seongjong’s reign of the Joseon Dynasty” [A study on Joseon’s shipping policies toward Japanese people during King Seongjong’s reign of the Joseon Dynasty], in The Pusan National University Theses Collection, No. 4.

Lee Hyunjong (1964), A study on the history of negotiations between Korea and Japan during the early Joseon period, Seoul.

Moon Hyoung-jin (2000), “The implementation of the Daemyeongryul Code during the early Joseon period”, in Department of History at the Korea University of Foreign Studies, No. 12.

Moon Hyoung-jin (2004), “Types of Joseon people’s crimes committed against the Japanese and the types of punishments during the early Joseon period”, in History and Cultural Studies, No. 21.

Moon Hyoung-jin (2005), “King Sejong’s engagement policies toward Japan and an increase in crimes”, Japanese Studies, No. 24.

Na Jongwu (1989), “A study on Korea-Japan cultural exchanges during the early Joseon period: Focusing on Japan’s transmission of Tripitaka Koreana”, in A collection of theses published in celebration of Prof. Yongarm Cha Munseob’s 60th birthday.

Nakamura Hidetaka (1965), A study on the history of Joseon-Japan relations [Research on Joseon-Japan Relations], First Volume, Tokyo.

Son Seungcheol (1994), A study on Korea-Japan relations during the Joseon period, Seoul.

Son Seungcheol (1996), “Dongpyeonggwan Lodging and Waein in Seoul during the early Joseon period” [Lodgings for Japanese people in Seoul during the early Joseon period], Local Seoul, No. 56.

Son Seungcheol (2001), “Repatriation of piro and drifters during the early Joseon period and an international order in Northeast Asia” [Repatriation of captives and drifters during the early Joseon period and an international order in Northeast Asia], in A study on Korean and Japanese drifters during the Joseon period, The Korea-Japan Historical Society (ed.), Seoul.