

  А. Zelinsky


In the summer of 304 BC the son and co-regent of Antigonus Monophtalmus, Demetrius Poliorcetes, had been compelled to stop his year-long siege of the Rhodes. The reason for this was successful military operations of the governor of Macedonia Cassander, in Attica. At the same time, it was the king of Egypt, Ptolemy I, who had been proclaimed the Savior and awarded with divine honors. In my opinion, the reason for so high esteem of Ptolemy’ contribution in the rescuing of the island state was his transfer to Cassander of strategically important city of Corinth, that, in turn, and has induced the governor of Macedonia to intrusion into Attica.

How to Cite

ZelinskyА. (2012). DIVINATION OF PTOLEMY І BY THE RHODIANS: A RATIO OF MERITS AND COMPENSATIONS. The World of the Orient, (4 (77), 49-55. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2012.04.049
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Antigonus Monophtalmus, Attica, Cassander, Demetrius Poliorcetes, Divination, Macedonia, Ptolemy І, Rhodians


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