

  H. Indychenko


The article deals with the directions of international scientific cooperation of the NAS of Ukraine with the research institutions of the countries of the East in the 1950s and 1960s. Forms and directions of such cooperation were reconstructed on the basis of a wide source base, represented primarily by archival documents.
Scientific cooperation with the countries of the East included the exchange of delegations, field trips, scientific and technical assistance of Ukrainian academic institutions, training of postgraduate students and scientific internships in the institutes of the AS of the UkrSSR, joint expeditionary activity, participation in conferences, peer review of scientific works, mutual publications, book-sharing and so on. The scientific developments of Ukrainian scientists have aroused the interest of scientists from the East. In the field of social sciences there was the interest in the study of law, philosophy, archeology, ethnography. A large number of delegations who attended Ukrainian academic institutions were specialized. They consisted of physicists, mechanical scientists, power engineers, hydrobiologists, astronomers and other specialists. The most visited institution of the AS of the UkrSSR was E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, where the world-famous electric welding school was formed. The Institute presented to the colleagues from the East the newest methods of electric welding – on the basis of technological processes developed by the Institute, new turbines and boiler plants in the Eastern countries were designed and constructed. The institutes of electric welding, thermal power engineering, electrical engineering, metal ceramics, and special alloys provided technical documentation to the scientific institutions of the countries of the East, which undoubtedly contributed to the development of science in these countries. The cooperation of biological profile institutions with the countries of the East in the framework of exchange of materials, mastering of the newest methods of research, participation in scientific events, expeditionary activity, giving consultations to Ukrainian specialists was fruitful. Since the mid-1960s, work on organizing and conducting exhibitions at which the developments of academic institutions were demonstrated has intensified. The participation of Ukrainian scientists in foreign scientific societies helped to strengthen cooperation, created conditions for obtaining information on the latest achievements of science and technology abroad. During the designated chronological period, the most intensive cooperation was carried out with China, India, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia.

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archival document, AS of the UkrSSR, countries of the East, International Book Exchange, international scientific cooperation


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