Transformation of I. Franko’s Poetic forms of Withered Leaves in Raul Chilachava’s Translation



  Oksana Asadchykh

  Oksana Dyn


Translating the poetic masterpieces of each literature into other languages has been and remains an important task, as it allows every nation to discover the richness of different cultures and expand its horizons. Due to numerous talented translations, I. Franko has secured his place in the history of world literature in Georgia. The article examines the transformation of Ivan Franko’s poetic forms in the Georgian context by Raul Chilachava. The Georgian poet and translator has dedicated his life to translating and popularizing Ukrainian literature in Georgia. R. Chilachava is considered a bridge builder between two cultural worlds, enabling deeper mutual understanding through his work. The author draws attention to the peculiarities of the translation process and the ways of adapting poetic forms in a new linguistic environment, providing the reader with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the unique features of Ivan Franko’s work through the prism of Georgian translation. The researcher investigates why the Georgian poet chose this particular author and the collection Withered Leaves. Special attention is given to the rhymes, themes, stylistics, and metaphors of the Ukrainian writer’s poems in their Georgian translations. The article addresses the issue of bilingualism because Raul Chilachava is known to be proficient in both Ukrainian and Georgian languages, particularly focusing on the influence of bilingualism on the translation process and the faithful reproduction of the internal and external matrices of the original. The researcher analyzes how Raul Chilachava conveys the Ukrainian flavor, language features and depth of Ivan Franko’s thought through the prism of Georgian culture and language.

How to Cite

Asadchykh, O., & Dyn , O. (2024). Transformation of I. Franko’s Poetic forms of Withered Leaves in Raul Chilachava’s Translation. The World of the Orient, (4 (125), 64-76.
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Ivan Franko; Raul Chilachava; Withered Leaves; translation; original; stanza; sonnet; rhyme; quatrain; lexeme

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