Muslim Communities in Ukraine: Historical Perspective



  Oleg Kyselov


In this review, the author assesses Denis Brylov’s monograph, The Unknown Islam in the Territories of Ukraine: The History of Islam in Ukraine from the Late 19th to the Early 21st Century (2023). This work investigates the development of Muslim communities and institutions in modern Ukraine, distinguishing itself from previous studies by tracing the continuity of these communities across centuries using a wide range of primary sources, including unpublished materials. The review highlights Brylov’s comprehensive knowledge of Ukrainian Islamic studies and his clear theoretical framework, addressing several key debates, such as the distinction between “high” and “low” Islam. While the book primarily focuses on the 19th to 21st centuries, it also provides valuable historical context by discussing Islam’s presence before this period. The author critiques the notion of the absence of Muslim communities during the Soviet era, demonstrating their existence and registration through archival evidence. Additionally, the review notes the descriptive approach used in discussing contemporary Islamic institutions, contrasting it with analytical insights into transnational Islamic movements. Brylov’s work significantly enriches and enlightens the understanding of Islam’s role in Ukrainian society, offering new interpretations grounded in thorough research.

How to Cite

Kyselov, O. (2024). Muslim Communities in Ukraine: Historical Perspective. The World of the Orient, (3 (124), 312-315.
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Islam; Ukraine; Muslim communities; history; Soviet era; Islamic studies; transnational movements; religious institutions

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