Unknown Photos of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities from the Funds of the National Reserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”



  Mykola Tarasenko


The article introduces into academic circulation five photos from the funds of the National Reserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”, which depict ancient Egyptian antiquities. These objects have been attributed in the article. The photo inv. No. KPL-F-11854 presents the outer part of the foot of the wooden anthropoid coffin of the Singer of Amun Khonsuirdis (25th Dynasty, Thebes). Currently, this coffin is in the exposition of the Odesa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (OAM) (Inv. No. 71700), it comes from the collection of the Archaeological Museum at the St. Volodymyr University of Kyiv (Inv. No. 1207). In 1936, the coffin was transferred to the T. Shevchenko Central Historical Museum (CHM). Photo No. KPL-F-11879 shows a wooden rectangular coffin of the qrsw-type, which belonged to Nisupanetcher (26th Dynasty, Akhmim). The artifact originates from the collection of the Kyiv Art, Industrial and Scientific Museum (KAISM) and later came to the CHN. Currently, the object is in the OAM (inv. No. 71701). Photo KPL-N-2712 shows the upper fragment of a female painted cartonage mummy cover, Akhmim, Graeco-Roman period (1 c. BC – 1 c. AD). It comes from the collection of the KAISM, and its subsequent history coincides with the artifacts in the two previous photos, with the difference that in 1956 it was transferred from the Kyiv Historical Museum to the Kyiv Museum of Western and Eastern Art, now the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts, inv. No. 355 ATK MH. The preservation of the object in the photo shows it in a better state of preservation than it has nowadays. The next two photos probably depict Egyptian antiquities from the Lavra Museum of Cults and Life of the All-Ukrainian Museum Town (LMCL AUMT) of the 1920s–1930s and, accordingly, may belong to the former collection of the Church-Archaeological Museum at the Kyiv Theological Academy (CAM KTA). In the photo, inv. No. KPL-F-9137 shows an open showcase with 27 small objects (23 of them are bronze statuettes of gods and animals). Photo KPL-N-2513 shows the other 20 statuettes (some of them are non-Egyptian in origin). On the bases of a number of artifacts, are the tags with numbers that do not coincide with the inv. numbers of the CAM KTA, and therefore can go to LMCL AUMT. Perhaps these photos were taken in the context of the transfer of Egyptian artifacts from the LMCL to the CHM in 1936. However, only a part of the figurines in the photos can be claimed to have entered the collection of the CHM, based on the inv. books of this museum from 1938. Unfortunately, the current location of these statuettes is unknown. They were probably lost during World War II. Therefore, the photos are an invaluable source for further research.

How to Cite

Tarasenko, M. (2024). Unknown Photos of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities from the Funds of the National Reserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”. The World of the Orient, (3 (124), 95-130. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2024.03.095
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ancient Egyptian antiquities; attribution; museum history; National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”; photographs


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