The Role of Chinese Immigrants in Establishing Sovereignty over the Lower Mekong River (17th –18th Centuries): Case Study of the Mac Family in Ha Tien



  Dinh Co Nguyen

  Xuan Hiep Tran


The article explains the role of the Mac family in establishing and enforcing the sovereignty of the Nguyen lords over the mainland, as well as the Southwestern sea region and islands (Vietnam) in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the context that the kingdom of Siam has just stepped out of the war with Burma and strongly implemented the “Advance East” policy, the kingdom of Cambodia has not given up its ambition to retake the lower Mekong River region, which sovereignty it has always considered its rights. Around the end of the 17th century, Mac Cuu, a Chinese person in the group “anti-Qing, restored to Ming”, after being suppressed by the Qing Dynasty, fled to Cambodia, and was appointed by the Cambodian king to govern the downstream area of the Mekong River. The context when the Mac family arrived was also at the same time that the lord Nguyen government (Vietnam) was accelerating the “advancing South” process. After annexing the lands of Tran Bien and Phien Tran (Southeast), the Nguyen lords began to pay attention to the fertile and prosperous lower Mekong Delta region. Although initially having their ambitions, with the skillful policies of the Cochinchina government (Vietnam), the Mac family gradually integrated and made important marks in the process of establishing and exercising sovereignty in the Southwestern region of Vietnam.

How to Cite

Nguyen, D. C., & Tran , X. H. (2024). The Role of Chinese Immigrants in Establishing Sovereignty over the Lower Mekong River (17th –18th Centuries): Case Study of the Mac Family in Ha Tien. The World of the Orient, (2 (123), 5-17.
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Cochinchina; Ha Tien; Lord Nguyen; Mac family; sovereignty; Southwestern region of Vietnam

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