New Approach to the Study of the “Orientalist Paradigm” in the History of Philosophy



  Ruslan Khalikov


The article contains a review of the collective monograph “Orientalist Paradigm in the study of Eastern philosophies. 19th  the first half of the 20th centuries, which was published in 2023 by six authors – historians of Eastern philosophy. In the monograph, the authors refer to the popular concept of “Orientalism” in Western science, introducing the corresponding paradigm to the Ukrainian reader, giving the example of both the heritage of individual authors (F. Nietzsche, M. Buber) and some schools in Western Orientalism. At the same time, the monograph has not only a descriptive value, but it also contains the original research results of the authors. The review reveals how the authors actually create a field for further reflection on the Orientalist paradigm.

How to Cite

Khalikov, R. (2024). New Approach to the Study of the “Orientalist Paradigm” in the History of Philosophy. The World of the Orient, (1 (122), 237-241.
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East; history of philosophy; Orientalism; Orientalist paradigm; theosophical Orientalism


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