There are several focal areas in modern linguistics which investigate language in its connection with a human being and one of the most fruitful of them is linguistics of emotions. Currently linguistics of emotions is a separate research area which focuses on the relation between emotions and language, and the representation of emotions through linguistic means. The purpose of this paper is to determine the specificity of the verbalization of humans’ psychological and emotional states and conditions by means of phraseological units with the somatic component “eye” in modern Persian. For the achievement of this purpose, the methods of continuous sampling, component analysis, structural clustering, and the statistical method were used. The research found that the Persian language has a lot of phraseological units with somatic component “eye” and many of them are used for representing emotions. As a result of the research, three clusters of emotions that can be verbalized by means of phraseological units with the component “eye” were distinguished. These are positive emotions such as joy, attachment, wish, shyness; negative emotions such as fear, anger, spite, hatred, anxiety, excitement, sorrow, shame; and neutral emotions such as amorousness and astonishment. According to the findings derived from the research, it was determined that the most common cluster of emotions verbalized by means of the phraseological units with the somatic component “eye” is negative emotions. The functioning of phraseological units in communicative situations was described, and statistical data were provided in the research paper. The analyses of phraseological units’ functioning ascertained that the members of Persian linguistic culture repeatedly use phraseological units even in routine communication instead of stylistically neutral lexis.
How to Cite
the Persian language, phraseological unit, somatic component “eye”, human emotions
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