On the History of the 1768 Uprising in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Crimean Khanate: Jewish Memories of the Koliivshchyna (from the Fund of Institute of Manuscript of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine)



  Ivan Syniak

  Stepan Syniak

  Volodymyr Marchuk


The purpose of this publication is to introduce into scientific circulation a group of documents, stored in the “Archives of the Fortress of St. Elizabeth”, the fund of the Institute of Manuscript of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, which highlight the events of 1768 in the territory of Right-Bank Ukraine and the Crimean Khanate, known as Koliivshchyna. In particular, the memoirs of two Jews, residents of the town of Uman, Perka Boltak, and the town of Golta, Yaruhim Haimovych, who managed to survive the stormy events and who, in their reports to the commandant of the St. Elizabeth fortress, Colonel Hristiyan Korf, provided unique information about the course of the uprising, are published here. Also published is the register of the property stolen by the haydamaks from another Jew, Yankel Osypovich, and the report of Elisavetgrad merchant Vasyl Kamenev to the mentioned commandant, due to the impossibility of taking away his own eight cauldrons, which at one time the merchant had left under the supervision of a Jew Shmunya from the town of Smila, due to their appropriation by the local Smilyan chieftain Labansky, which the latter received from the haydamak colonel. Another document is the message of Colonel Hristiyan Korf to the aforementioned Labansky with the demand to return the property of the merchant to the fortress of Saint Elizabeth and about the inadmissibility of receiving things from the haydamaks. When preparing the documents for printing, the “Methodological recommendations for the preparation for the publication of the Archive of Kish of New Zaporizhia Sich” authored by L. Z. Histsova was used as a basis. The scientific novelty is that, for the first time, little-known to the general public documents from the times of the Koliivshchyna of 1768 were introduced into scientific circulation, their informative potential was analyzed and commented on. Published sources expand the understanding of the course of the uprising in Right-Bank Ukraine and the further fate of individual Jewish residents of the town of Golta, under the jurisdiction of the Crimean Khanate, and Uman in Right-Bank Ukraine, after the haydamak attack. The conclusions of the publication are that the printed documents prove the fact of the salvation of Jews in such cities as Uman and Golta, signal that the uprising of 1768 did not discourage the desire of Jewish merchants who escaped those events to continue to conduct trade operations in the field of usury and sales of alcoholic beverages, make it clear that the physical destruction of the Jewish people, as representatives of the merchant class, had a painful effect on the trading activities of Russian merchants and Ukrainian traders from the Left Bank of Ukraine with their colleagues from the Right Bank and the Crimean Khanate.

How to Cite

Syniak, I., Syniak, S., & Marchuk, V. (2023). On the History of the 1768 Uprising in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Crimean Khanate: Jewish Memories of the Koliivshchyna (from the Fund of Institute of Manuscript of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine). The World of the Orient, (4 (121), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2023.04.071
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Crimean Khanate; Golta; haydamaks; Jews; Koliivshchyna; St. Elizabeth fortress; Uman


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