Religious Conflict in the Emirate of Bukhara іn 1910



  Oleh Mashevskyi

  Vitalii Liulka


In the article, for the first time in Ukrainian and foreign historiography, the causes, preconditions, course, and consequences of a religious conflict that resulted in a significant number of casualties in the Emirate of Bukhara in 1910 are comprehensively examined. This conflict occurred between the Muslim Sunni local majority and the Shiite minority, consisting of individuals of Iranian origin. Western historiography has insufficiently focused on the religious situation in this region, which was considered a Russian sphere of influence. Local publicists and historians came under the control of Russian censorship, which is why this sensitive topic remained taboo for almost a century. Of course, Russian imperial, Soviet, and contemporary historiography has viewed Russian expansion in the region as a factor ensuring stability and consistent development for the countries and peoples that came under Russian control.

The religious and ethnic situation on the eve of the conflict has been investigated in the article. Primarily, this concerns the formation of the Persian Shia minority and the increase of its influence within the state apparatus. The peculiarities of religious rituals within this religious faction in Islam were examined as well. Ultimately, they caused misunderstanding and non-acceptance among the Sunni population, which, as a result, triggered the unfolding of the conflict.

The authors paid special attention to the quite inadequate response of the local authorities to this event, which led to a massive conflict between the two religious denominations. This was due to the fact that high-ranking officials, who belonged to the Shiite minority, instead of conducting an objective investigation and resolving the incident at its onset, openly supported their co-religionists and even armed them.

Attention is also paid to the influence of foreign states on the events under consideration. The emphasis is placed on Russia’s rather successful attempts to exploit these internal religious conflicts in Bukhara to enhance its influence and, ultimately, gain control over this once-powerful state. It is emphasized that Russia chose a method of resolving the conflicts between Sunnis and Persian Shiites through mass ethnic cleansing, which involved relocating the entire ethnic and religious community to Samarkand, a city that already belonged to the Russian Empire at that time.

How to Cite

Mashevskyi , O., & Liulka, V. (2023). Religious Conflict in the Emirate of Bukhara іn 1910. The World of the Orient, (4 (121), 30-38.
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Emirate of Bukhara; international relations; religious conflicts; Russian expansion; Shiites; Sunnis


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