Trade-Economic and Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Ukraine and India at the Beginning of the 21st Century



  Oksana Malynovska

  Valentyn Stafiichuk


The article is devoted to the analysis of economic cooperation between Ukraine and India during 2001–2020. The study is based on data from the Trade Map portal, information from the website of the Embassy of Ukraine in India, India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), reports of international organizations and scientific publications. The article systematizes the legal acts regulating mutual foreign trade and scientific and technological cooperation. The dynamics of key indicators is analyzed: the dynamics of Ukrainian-Indian trade, share of India in Ukrainian merchandise exports and imports, share of Ukraine in trade flows to and from India. The main items of Ukrainian exports to India and the commodity composition of Ukrainian imports from India are identified. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of scientific and technological cooperation. It was found that the state of Ukrainian-Indian trade in goods does not correspond to the existing potential of both countries. The reasons are different in each case, but if desired, they are easy to overcome. The advantage for Ukraine is a significant positive balance of mutual trade. Some Indian goods are quite important items of import, but both countries are not critically dependent on each other by major product groups. Possible priority areas for Ukrainian-Indian cooperation in science and technology are: information and communication technologies, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medicine, new materials and nanotechnologies, energy and energy resources, space and astrophysics. India is in the third group of priority countries for the development of Ukraine’s international cooperation. Further development and improvement of the structure of mutual economic relations already have a good basis and can increase their level of priority in the future. An important advantage in the development of bilateral relations with democratic India is that, unlike Russia, it does not pose challenges to internal stability, does not discredit Ukraine in the international arena and does not threaten the existence of our state.

The study was hosted at the Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

How to Cite

Malynovska, O., & Stafiichuk, V. (2022). Trade-Economic and Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Ukraine and India at the Beginning of the 21st Century. The World of the Orient, (4 (117), 235-246.
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mutual trade dynamics, science and technology cooperation, Republic of India, export structure, import structure, Ukraine


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