History and Current Trends of Studying the Philosophy of A. Gramsci in China



  Viktor Kiktenko


This paper examines the perception of the political philosophy of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci by Chinese scholars. It is shown that during the 1950s–1990s the conception of Antonio Gramsci’s philosophy was formed in China in the context of the study of Western Marxism. It is pointed out that in the second half of the 1980s and in the 1990s, Chinese philosophers began to conduct deeper research of Western Marxism in general and Gramsci’s theoretical heritage in particular, and the formation of Gramscian studies was started in China. The Italian Marxist’s practical philosophy became the focus of attention, and his concepts of civil society, cultural hegemony, and other ideas started to be the subject of discussion in philosophy, political science, literary studies, party-building, etc. It is shown that the first serious contribution to the critical study of the Italian philosopher’s heritage was made by Xu Chongwen, and due to the works of Yu Wujin such Gramscian terms as “cultural hegemony”, “civil society” and “organic intellectual” were widely spread among the Chinese Marxist philosophers. In the early twenty-first century, there were determined the significant changes in the study of Gramsci’s philosophy in China, which were primarily due to the appearance of new translations into Chinese of the works of the Italian philosopher. At the same time, the main directions of Gramscian studies in China were formed: the problem of Gramsci’s ideological affiliation (Pan Xihua, Bao Yi, He Ping, Wang Fengcai), the theory of hegemony (Tian Shigang, Zhan Jiang, Peng Guibing, Sun Jing, Liang Shufa, Zhou Fan, Hu Ailing, Yang Haifeng, Kang Xiaoguang, Liu Shilin, Wang Jin, He Lei, Zhou Xingjie, Pan Xihua, Sun Min, Ye Huizhen), the civil society theory (Li Dianlai, Yang Ping, Yang Renzhong, Shan Tiping), the intellectual theory (Yang Haifeng, Guo Meini, Hu Ailing, Pan Xihua, Yu Yifan). It is emphasized that Gramsci’s hegemonic theory in combination with the ideas of structuralism, poststructuralism, orientalism, feminism, and other schools of thought have influenced the formation of literary theory in China. There were explored diverse research works in various scientific disciplines representing contemporary Gramscian studies in China.

How to Cite

Kiktenko, V. (2022). History and Current Trends of Studying the Philosophy of A. Gramsci in China. The World of the Orient, (3 (116), 160-172. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2022.03.160
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Antonio Gramsci, philosophy, China, Marxism, Gramscian Studies, hegemony, civil society, intellectuals



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