The paper provides a look into the changes that Chinese feminist thought underwent since 1949 until the present day. An analysis of distinct periods and areas of modern Chinese female movement gives an insight into main issues of the academic feminist discourse in the late 20th – early 21st century. The paper considers translation of feminist and gender terminology into Chinese in the context of “local vs global” feminism discussion. During the first decades after the founding of the People’s Republic of China feminism was not nominally distinguished as a theory, but was considered a part of general “strife for equality”, the term “feminism” itself was associated with Western bourgeois ideas. The reform and openness policy instead bring new strong international relations for Chinese women’s organizations, a new period of feminist movement in China begins, bringing a boost to academic research, translation and localization of Western ideas and concepts. So-called globalization of local female movement in China along with the rapid modernization of the country, growing quality of life, which took place on the verge of the new century, not only brought change to female status in general, but also highlighted women’s concerns in a completely new way. While the Western influence on the trends of feminism in China can not be argued, even more attention now is being drawn to regional affirmative cases of female strife for equal rights, namely Japan, South Korea, Taiwan etc. Problems and experience of culturally and historically more proximate women are more understandable and relevant than Wes-tern feminism that is established and rooted in its own local tradition. It is argued that in the nearest future the connections of Chinese female movement with more prominent Western issues and ideas will remain, but at the same time regional relations of feminist organizations are expected to grow even stronger. Historical and cultural proximity provides opportunities for more effective communication, better coordination and participation exchanges.
How to Cite
feminism, female movement, academic discourse, gender studies, China, Western influence
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