The conditions, that gave rise to the formation of scientific personality of the orientalist Agathangel Krymsky (1871–1942) are analyzed in the article. Pavlo Zhytetsky (1837–1911), the teacher at Ghallaghan Collegium, greatly influenced Ahatangel Krymskyi not only in the process of learning the basics of philology, but also in the formation of public ideals. While studying at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Studies Agathangel Krymsky was also influenced by the school of renowned professors. A. Krymsky’s letters written to P. Zhytetsky from Moscow, Beyrout, Zvenigorodka, contain a lot of interesting data, facts and reflections. What is more important, they keep the warmth of two renowned Ukrainian scientists relationship. In the letter of 1940, written by Krymsky to Academician Krachkovsky, the name of Omeljan Prytsak, the postgraduate student, is mentioned. The communication with the latter was not long, as it was disrupted by the arrest of Agathangel Krymsky. A. Krymsky’s professors were his friends and generous teachers, who considered their student to be the follower of their scientific activity.
How to Cite
Agathangel Krymsky, Epistolary Sources, Krachkovsky, Omeljan Prytsak, Pavlo Zhytetsky
Інститут рукопису Національної бібліотеки України ім. В. І. Вернадського (далі – ІР НБУВ). Ф. I, спр. 22421. Записки по словесности со слов П. И. Житецкого, А. Крымскаго. 40 арк.
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ІР НБУВ. Ф. XXXVI, спр. 113. Гимназические сочинения А. Крымского с пометками П. Житецкого. 22 арк.
ІР НБУВ. Ф. XXXVI, спр. 115. Записки по словесности со слов П. И. Житецкого, А. Крымскаго. 253 арк.
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