

  O. Mavrina


The article presents an analysis of the works of the famous orientalist Ahatanhel Krymsky (1871–1942), who in the early 20th century in a number of his works gave an analysis of the activities and poetic works of “Asia Minor sufi poets” of the late 13th – mid 14th centuries. The scholar tried to investigate the continuity of the traditions of knowledge carried by Sufi thinkers from Khorasan to Anatolia through the prism of the religious, philosophical and poetic heritage of the descendants of the famous Sufi religious and political figure of the 13th century Baba Ilyas Khorasani – Ashiq Pasha and Elvan Chelebi.
Reproducing the picture of the political and cultural life of Anatolia in the 13–14th centuries, A. Krymsky pays great attention to the issues of migration, historical and cultural Islamization of the Turks, the Seljuk component in these processes. He attaches special importance to Sufism, Sufi tariqats which influenced the formation of the social consciousness of Muslims, their philosophy, ethics, literature, the creation of a special cultural landscape in Anatolia during the Middle Ages.
Being a unique erudite and polyglot, having a literary talent and the gift of a popularizer, A. Krymsky paid special attention to the development of literature, believing that Turkish literature of the 14th century called for culture and humanity, for an idealistic view of education, preached the idea that love of God is associated with love for humanity. A. Krymsky’s works are imbued with remarkable poetics and high emotionality.
The analysis of the scholar’s work shows that his detailed knowledge of primary sources gave him the opportunity to recreate a diverse picture of the cultural life of Anatolia through the prism of the development of its literature and spiritual sphere in a historical context.
The undoubted merit of A. Krymsky is that at the beginning of the 20th century he tried to trace the continuity and transformation of the ideas of Baba-Ilyas Khorasani analyzing the legacy of “Asia Minor sufi poets” Ashiq Pasha and Elvan Chelebi.

How to Cite

Mavrina, O. (2021). “ASIA MINOR SUFI POETS” OF THE LATE 13TH – MID 14TH CENTURIES IN THE SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE OF A. KRYMSKY. The World of the Orient, (2 (111), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2021.02.039
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A. Krymsky, Anatolia, Ashiq Pasha (Âşık Paşa), Baba Ilyas Khorasani, Elvan Chelebi (Elvān Çelebi), Poetry, Sufism, Turkish literature


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