

  M. Zhuykova


Ahatanhel Krymsky began to comprehend his ethnicity early on; as he grew up in a Russian- speaking environment and early showed a penchant for different languages, the language factor, as well as the genetic affiliation to an ethnic group, could not determine his nationality. Ukrainianness of Krymsky was the result of his own volitional choice, which was based not so much on rational as on emotional, sensory and aesthetic foundations. The psychological factor also played a significant role: Ahatanhel Krymsky had a bitter conflict with his surroundings during his years of study in Kyiv (both teachers and students, and with his parents), which contributed to the search for his own identity.

Krymsky’s declared Ukrainian orientation did not immediately acquire certain established forms and meanings. In the early 1890s, while he was in Moscow, he thought a lot about the issue of national betrayal, renegation, sought rational support for his Ukrainianness, while experiencing a sense of kinship with both languages: Ukrainian and Russian.

Ahatanhel Krymsky often used the pronouns WE / OURS in the texts which were written during the 1890s and addressed to Ukrainian-speaking readers of both Galicia and the Russian Empire.

These pronouns serve as a means of identifying the speaker with a certain real or imaginary group of people. Inclusive WE denotes a group “speaker plus addressee”, while exclusive WE indicates a group in which the speaker does not include his addressee.

By the nature of the reference of pronoun groups with WE and OURS, it is possible to trace with whom and on what grounds the speaker identifies himself.

Ahatanhel Krymsky built WE-groups in different ways. You can find in his texts manifestations of full ethnic and linguistic solidarity with the addressee (inclusive WE-group), cases of using WE / OURS with an indefinite reference, as well as many exclusive WE-groups that demonstrate opposition between the author and his reader.

The latter may be a manifestation of Ahatanhel Krymsky’s unconscious desire to oppose himself and the addressees on a certain basis (linguistic, local, ethnic).

In general, it should be noted that the nature of Krymsky’s use of language markers of identity is not chaotic and accidental; their use reflects the complex path of evolution of the national self-consciousness of an outstanding individual in the absence of a nation-state and a national language.

How to Cite

Zhuykova, M. (2021). EVOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL IDENTITY OF AHATANHEL KRYMSKY AND LANGUAGE MARKERS WE AND OURS. The World of the Orient, (2 (111), 23-38. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2021.02.023
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Ahatanhel Krymsky, inclusive and exclusive use of pronouns, linguistic markers of identity, national self-awareness, pronouns WE and OURS


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