

  B. Bernadsky


The article examines the life and work of Ahatanhel Krymsky through the prism of monitoring him by the political investigation agencies of the Russian Empire, which arranged surveillance of every socially active person, especially liberal, such as Ahatanhel Krymsky. The research is based in particular on the unpublished documents from the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv.
For the first time Ahatanhel Krymsky came to the attention of the Russian gendarmerie due to the control over private correspondence organized in the empire. After that, his contacts were established with people known to the tsarist political investigation as revolutionaries. Therefore, a special case was opened against Ahatanhel Krymsky. However, thanks to his unique knowledge, he became one of the specialists that the empire intended to use in its foreign policy. Most likely, this fact saved him from arrest. However, throughout his life, the scientist was considered an unreliable person who aroused constant suspicion and was under secret surveillance.
The most serious claims from the political investigation agencies of the Russian Empire to Ahatanhel Krymsky were caused by his exclusively academic, not political activity in the field of the Ukrainian language. The state ideology of tsarist Russia denied Ukrainians the right to exist independently, and thus denied the very existence of such a language. Thus, linguistic research was interpreted as a dangerous separatism disguised as academic work. To counter the spread of the ideas of a prominent linguist, censorship forces were used in the first place. Censorship also prevented the publication of his works of fiction in the Ukrainian language, especially those intended for the general public. If the work was addressed to a narrow stratum of the intelligentsia, censorship could allow such work.
Ahatanhel Krymsky himself, despite all the suspicions of the gendarmes and what they attri-buted to him in their reports, deliberately shunned any political activity, believing that he could help the people only through his scientific work. However, cases were constantly brought up against him, agents were sent to him, his correspondence was read, barriers to the publication of his works were set, and he was summoned for questioning. The situation with the beginning of the First World War became extremely dangerous, when the close contacts of the Orientalist with the representatives of the Crimean Tatar national movement began to be interpreted as a sign of possible involvement in foreign espionage. So it is not surprising that he met the victory of the revolution and the overthrow of the autocracy with admiration. And when a counter-revolution reigned in the country, Ahatanhel Krymsky died.

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Ahatanhel Krymsky, censorship, gendarmes, perlustration, political investigation, Russian Empire, secret surveillance


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