

  О. Popelnitska


The article investigates the Japanese tachi sword of the 2nd half of the 19th century, stored in the National museum of history of Ukraine. This ceremonial weapon, which came to be deposited in a museum in 1937, comes from the collection of a famous collector of antiquities Bohdan Khanenko. The decoration of sword in cloisonné enamel determines the time of its production as the first decades of the Meiji period (1868–1912), when Japan began producing high-quality art products with cloisonné and exporting them to Europe. While Japanese cloisonné has been known since the end of the XVI century, its production technology started improving only in 1850–1870s. It happened because the European technologists, who were invited by the Japanese government to work in the country, in cooperation with the Japanese masters developed a perfect composition of glass enamels. It had a wide color palette and was easy to polish. It is these enamels that were used to finish the tachi sword in the National museum of History. Since the Japanese weapon business was under the influence of the Chinese art for a long time, in the decoration of the rim tachi presents traditional elements, known from the 13th –14th centuries: Chinese herbs image, blue background pattern, etc. In addition to borrowing from the Chinese arts and crafts, the decoration of the tachi sword represents an apparent imitation of the medieval Japanese swords, which the gunsmiths of the modern time considered exemplary. The fact, that tachi was intended for ceremonial purposes is evidenced by the presence in its frame of the images of such imperial symbols as the heraldic chrysanthemum, peony flower and the purple color of the cord used for hanging the sword.

How to Cite

PopelnitskaО. (2016). JAPANESE TACHI SWORD OF THE 2ND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY OF UKRAINE. The World of the Orient, (2-3 (91-92), 184-196. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2016.02.184
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Japanese, Museum of History of Ukraine, Sword, Tachi


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