

  S. Batyreva


The article is devoted to the cultural analysis of the tradition in the study of fine arts of Buddhism. The subject of the research are thangkas, Buddhist artifacts from the collection of the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts, which are part of the cultural heritage of Kalmykia. Breaking the tradition of anonymous performance, on one of thangkas the author mentions his name: “Shobul-getsul painted”. Todobichig vertical ligature written in ink represents an undeniable distinctive feature of Kalmyk painting. The old Kalmyk painting as part of Kalmyk cultural heritage has formed in the interaction of tradition and innovation. The works of art help trace the historical destiny of the iconographic canon in the artistic culture of Northern Buddhism. The analysis of the Kalmyk sacral artistic tradition helped identify a number of local traits in the graphic interpretation of iconographic images. Traditional psychogenetic peculiarities of light perception, the ritual culture and folklore are projected in the iconography, defining the “local” nature of the Buddhist art.

How to Cite

Batyreva, S. (2016). KALMYK ICONS FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE BOHDAN AND VARVARA KHANENKO MUSEUM OF ARTS. The World of the Orient, (2-3 (91-92), 158-162. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2016.02.158
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Kalmyk Icons, National Museum of Arts, the ritual culture, todobichig


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