

  V. Hymennyi


The article deals with the problem of the political development of the Arsacid Kingdom in late 1st century BCE – early 1st century CE. Domestic conflicts in the Parthian state were inspired by differences between the eastern and the western parts of the kingdom. The rules of Fraates IV and Artabanus III appear to be the most indicative period, marked by a number of serious domestic political conflicts, which Romans used as pretexts for interference in Parthia’s affairs. Beginning with the reign of Augustus, the regular internal political conflicts in the Parthian Kingdom were the reasons as for the some forms of Parthian passive policy, as well for the presence of Parthian Royal hostages in Rome. The Romans often used them to reach their own political goals. It is found, that Augustus’ perception of the provincial governors actions initiated a carefully worded policy in this sphere, and the affairs of the provincial administration became important only by the period of the reign of Tiberius. Such observed tendencies, were also preserved thereafter. Their analysis is a key-note not only for the understanding of the political development of the Parthian Kingdom, but also for the research in the field of the history of Roman-Parthian relations and the history of the Near East during the period of the first centuries of the Common Era.

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Arsacid Kingdom, Augustus, Political Struggle, Rome, Tiberius


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