

  V. Kiktenko


The article examines the “concept of scientific development”, which has become an important strategic guideline for the socio-economic development of China and the construction of socia-lism with Chinese characteristics. The historical preconditions for the formation of this concept, its theoretical content and practical significance are analyzed. It is shown that the “concept of scientific development” was aimed at forming a general, systematic view of the socio-economic development of the country, and this accordingly determined its special place in the modern official ideology of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the “five civilizations” that form the basis of the “concept of scientific development” – “socia-list material civilization”, “socialist spiritual civilization”, “political civilization”, “social civilization” and “ecological civilization”. The emphasis on “civilization” demonstrated the strengthening of the CCP’s official ideology on political, cultural, and moral issues. The special role of the theory of balanced development (“socialist harmonious society”) in the implementation of the Reform and Opening-up is noted. The concept of “socialist harmonious society” was formulated on the basis of Marxist ideas of social harmony in combination with the urgent tasks of socio-economic development of China. However, for the theoretical substantiation of this problem, there were used the classical Confucian concepts of harmony, which lead a person to achieve a balance of ethical and spiritual in society and the state. It is emphasized that this approach complemented the “concept of scientific development” and was aimed at preventing the growth of social inequality into class conflicts. It is shown that the socialist modernization of China was defined as the constant satisfaction of the growing material and cultural needs of the people and this was reflected in the concept of “man above all”, one of the most important elements of the concept of scientific development. It is determined that the new version of the CCP’s official ideology is a transition to the position of post-Marxism, which is characterized by a rejection of derivationism and essentialism, i.e., in particular, the economy is no longer seen as the basis of politics, and the state as an instrument of action. It is emphasized that the CCP’s official ideology during Hu Jintao’s rule was generally based on traditional Marxist approaches and the concept of “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, but there was also some modernization of party ideas by introducing China’s historical and cultural heritage and adapting to new social-economic conditions.

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China, Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Hu Jintao, Ideology, post-Marxism, “concept of scientific development”, “socialism with Chinese characteristics”


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