

  N. Gоzalova


From the beginning of the XIX century the international relationships over South Caucasus have been experiencing the direct and indirect influence f the Eastern crisis caused by the Greek rebellion. The Peace treaty with Qajar Iran (1828) shifted the political and strategically situation in the South Caucasus in favor of Russia, which resulted in enabling the Russian government to start military actions against the Ottoman Empire. The War of 1828–1829 years was a new step in the century struggle between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. In the first half of the century the Russian- Turkish relationships were defined both by the general political situation in Europe and by the specific foreign affair tasks that the Russian government had to solve in the Near-East region. At the beginning of the XIX century, between the great European powers, there was a clear, then hidden, diplomatic struggle for domination in the Near East. This was caused, on the one hand, by the economic and political weakening of the Ottoman Empire, and on the other, by the increased expansion of the European powers. By that time in Russian diplomacy existed two conceptions of the Eastern Question: on the one hand, Russia was preparing to take an active part in division of Ottoman Empire, and on the other, did not want the collapse of it. Therefore, summing up the results of that war, it should be noted that Russia managed not only to expand its political and commercial interests, but also so weaken the Ottoman Empire, that preserving its existence, Turkey would not interfere in Russia’s expansionist plans. While the collapse of the Ottoman Empire would lead Russia to war with all European countries. The Adrianople Treaty became the key point of the Russian policy in the Near East. Russia became the most influential European country in the Near-East. Russian success supported by this treaty alarmed European countries, primarily it greatly promoted further Russian-British competition. The main result of the Adrianople treaty can be considered the fact that the diplomatic struggle of European countries against Russia during the Eastern crisis of 20-ies of the XIX was actually lost.

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GоzalovaN. (2017). CAUCASUS FRONT LINE DURING THE RUSSIAN-TURKISH WAR OF 1828–1829. The World of the Orient, (3 (96), 34-45.
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Adrianople treaty, Caucasus, Eastern question, Near East, Russian-Turkish war


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