

  C. Dağcı


This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of the introduction and the first chapter of the novel “The Years of Devastation” written by well-known Crimean Tatar writer Cengiz Dağcı. It is necessary to admit that Cengiz Dağcı is one of the most underestimated Second World War novelists. In almost all novels of the Crimean cycle, the writer emphasizes that retrospective and perspective understanding of the history becomes a valuable precondition for active intervention in the life process. The publication of the Ukrainian translation of Cengiz Dağcı’s novel and the following research work are focused on an attempt to outline the specific traits of the formation and self-identification of the Crimean Tatar nation through its narrative, and thus through the cultural memory of generations. The translation of the novel “The Years of Devastation” (Korkunç Yıllar) by Cengiz Dağcı into Ukrainian language is carried out for the first time, which enables Ukrainian reader to get acquainted with the best narrative examples of the Modern Crimean Tatar literature.

How to Cite

Dağcı, C. (2018). THE YEARS OF DEVASTATION. NOVEL (FRAGMENT) / TRANSLATED FROM THE TURKISH AND INTRODUCTORY ARTICLE BY H. ROG. The World of the Orient, (4 (101), 130-142. Retrieved from
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Cengiz Dağcı, Crimean Tatar literature, cultural memory, identity, translation, “The Years of Devastation”


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