

  D. Burba


This publication presents the Ukrainian translation of the fourth chapter of Bhagavadgita, which composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE and is the most famous of the Hindu Scriptures. The fourth chapter is called The Yoga of Knowledge and of Renunciation of Action. The chapter first describes the way of transferring sacred knowledge about yoga. Krishna taught the sun-god; the sun-god expounded this teaching to the ancestor of mankind Manu; Manu proclaimed it to the mythological king Ikshavaku. In this chapter, we encounter one of the earliest descriptions of the Hindu concept of avatars or embodiments of the Deity. Krishna explains the reason for his incarnation, “Whenever, there is decline in righteousness and an upsurge in unrighteousness, I then manifest Myself”. In the fourth chapter, for the first time in Bhagavad Gita the word bhakta sounded. This Sanskrit term means “religious devotee” or follower of Bhakti Yoga which is way of worshiping God and serving him with love and devotion. Bhakti Yoga is one of the main themes of the Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna acts as the Supreme Godhead. In particular Krishna is credited with creating four main classes (varnas) of the ancient Indian society. Much of the chapter is devoted to the further consideration of such concepts as action and inaction. In ten verses described various kinds of symbolic offerings, which since Upanishads’ time began to supplant the Vedic sacrifice. It is noted that the “offering of knowledge” is the highest kind of sacrifice. The concepts and realities considered in fourth chapter are explained by the translator in notes, with quotations from the Mahabharata, as well as by citing the Vedanta Sutras, Yoga Sutras, Laws of Manu, Upanishads, and other classical texts of Hinduism.

How to Cite

Burba, D. (2019). BHAGAVADGĪTĀ. CHAPTER 4 / TRANSLATED FROM THE SANSKRIT, INTRODUCTORY ARTICLE AND COMMENTED BY D. BURBA. The World of the Orient, (1 (102), 116-131. Retrieved from
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Bhagavadgita, Hinduism, India, karma, Mahabharata, religion, Sanskrit, translation, yoga


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