

  O. Mavrin


Despite the fact that positivism as a methodological trend has been constantly changing, updating itself with leading scientific achievements, there must still be criteria that unite representatives of different generations within a single positivist approach. At the same time, positivism changed so much during the first half of the twentieth century that such a relationship is traced according to an association rather than to analogy. Uniting moments between the positivist historians of the early twentieth century and the positivist historians of the mid – second half of the twentieth century are not many, but they still are. And they are powerful enough to unite historians of different generations into a single thinking system. As for his historiosophical vision, Omeljan Pritsak, as a representative of the “documentary” school of V. Antonovych, M. Hrushevskyi, I. Krypiakevych, is obviously a “positivist” in Ukrainian historical science. But under the influence of other methodologies, philological first of all, the importance of historical detail came to light. This happened, as O. Pritsak himself attests, under the influence of the philological views of G. Scheder. Through philology, O. Pritsak kept coming up with new methodologies that updated his conceptual approaches. First of all, it is about the importance for the philology of the details that are not of interest for the historian as well as the marginal features in the text, and the perception of the text itself as a monument of writing. The results of the transformations that took place on O. Pritsak’s worldview and professional approaches became obvious during his active work on the revival of archeography in Ukraine in the late 1980s, the times of Perestroika, Glasnost and the cultural renaissance. O. Pritsak was one of the active supporters of scientific cooperation with scientists of Ukraine, he initiated and supported the creation of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies (UIA), also headed the Archeographic Commission in the UIA. O. Pritsak’s understanding of the archeography’s role in the development of Ukrainian humanities led to his direct involvement in the revival of this science in Ukraine in the late 1980s – early 1990s. O. Pritsak had high expectations of cooperation with Ukrainian colleagues in publishing Ukraine’s written monuments. It is obvious that there is a cause and effect link between the historiosophy of O. Pritsak, his evolution within the positivist methodology, under the influence of the latest achievements of philology and other disciplines, and the idea of the subject and methods of archeography.

How to Cite

Mavrin, O. (2019). HISTORIOSOPHY AND ARCHEOGRAPHY OF OMELJAN PRITSAK. The World of the Orient, (4 (105), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw2019.04.072
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archeography, historiosophy, Humanities, methodology, monuments, philology, positivism


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