

  Ф. А. Гусейн


This review at the monograph of PhD Sabuhi Ahmadov “Azerbaijani weapons in the 9th – 17th centuries: evolution and development” considers the relevance and scientific validity of problem’s formulation as “Azerbaijani weapons”, and notes that the problem of identifying various types of weapons made in Azerbaijan during the Middle Ages is in demand and justified in terms of both geographical attribution and belonging to a certain ethno-cultural space established in a given territory.
In the course of a general assessment of a wide range of diverse sources attracted to the study such as archaeological material, objects of fine art, materials of various domestic and foreign museum funds and personal collections, written sources of epic, poetic, historical heritage, and materials of oral folk art, the value of oriental miniature creativity is especially emphasized as an auxiliary source for the studying of this problem.
It is noted that logical consistency of the structure of the monograph, built on the principle of chronological sequence with the classification of weapons in accordance with the functional purpose such as defensive, offensive, collective is substantial.
The work on the collection and interpretation of multilingual terms related to the military subjects is recognized as a special merit of the monograph.
In general, the article notes the scientific significance of the monograph for studying of the history of military affairs, especially in the aspect of the manufacture and use of various types of weapons in Azerbaijan and neighboring countries in the Middle Ages.

Як цитувати

Гусейн, Ф. А. (2019). РЕЦЕНЗІЯ НА: ƏHMƏDOV S. Ə. AZƏRBAYCAN SILAHLARIIX–XVIIƏSRLƏRDƏ: TƏKAMÜL VƏINKIŞAFI. – BAKI: AFPOLIQRAF, 2017. – 538 s. Східний світ, (4 (105), 170-178. вилучено із https://oriental-world.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/124
Переглядів статті: 68 | Завантажень PDF: 34


Ключові слова

artifacts, Azerbaijani weapons, cold weapons, firearms, Middle Ages, museum exhibits, tulbend (helmet)


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