Phenomenon of Vyshyvanka in the Linguistic Consciousness of Indian Students in Ukraine (Based on a Free Associative Experiment)
On the materials of the associative experiment, the linguistic consciousness of Indian students living and studying in Ukraine has been examined in the article on the example of the word vyshyvanka as a vital element of traditional national Ukrainian costume and a key symbol for Ukrainian culture and mentality. The main aim of the given research is the construction and detailed analysis of the associative field of the word vyshyvanka. The perception and interpretation of the chosen stimulus word as a phenomenon of Ukrainian culture have been investigated and described. Results of the associative experiment were given considering individual and subjective worldview of the respondents. Attention was also focused on the manifestation of individual/universal and national-cultural elements in the associative semantic structure of the chosen stimulus word. Except this, the ideas and common thoughts about the expediency and effectiveness of attempts to find out and characterize the ontological essence of how culture, i.e. extra-ordinary reality is reflected in the linguistic consciousness of representatives of a certain ethnic group were also proved, and reasoned with the help of experiments involving psycholinguistic methods of processing various fragments of linguistic pictures of the world. The need to build associative fields of the various fragments of the linguistic picture of the world not only of Ukrainians but also of representatives of other national communities that relate to Ukraine and its culture was reasoned. The close contact of Indian education seekers with national history and cultural and mental stereotypes is described as a way to contribute to the understanding of the essence and features of extra lingual cultural and historical markers of the Ukrainian nation in general. It was found that the Ukrainian world is perceived by Indian students in the form of basic concepts of the Ukrainian mentality. It is noted that lexical associations are verbal fixations of primary intentional reactions of respondents; behind them, one can see the “associative profile” of images of consciousness, which contains cognitive, axiological, and sensory knowledge of a specific ethnic group. The paper proved that the associative meaning of the vyshyvanka stimulus formed in the minds of Indian students does not contradict its lexicographic definition. It was shown that vyshyvanka is perceived as an essential attribute of traditional Ukrainian clothing and a symbol of well-being, peace, and purity.
How to Cite
associative experiment, Indian students, lexical associations, linguistic consciousness, mentality, Ukraine, vyshyvanka
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