International Competition for Dominance in the Caspian Region (The 20–40s of the 18th Century)



  Tofig Mustafazadeh


An active policy exercised by Tsar Peter I (Peter the Great of Russia) in the East coincided with the decline and fall of the Safavid Empire. The goal of this article is to show the Russian ambitions in the Caspian region in the 20–40s of the 18th century during the reign of Peter the Great who wanted Russia to gain full control over the silk trade. This article investigates methods used by Peter the Great to increase Russia’s influence in the Caspian region. The historical sources discover and reveal the essence of the policy of Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, and Nadir Shah Afshar in the Caspian Sea basin in the 20–40s of the 18th century. The novelty of the article is that the author investigates political processes in the Caspian region, the reasons for the diplomatic tricks of Peter the Great and his rivalry with Nadir Shah Afshar, interpreting known historical sources in a new way as well as exploring new original materials. In 1711, following an unsuccessful war against the Ottoman Empire and the signing of the Treaty of the Pruth, Russia lost its access to the Black Sea. In such a situation, the Caspian region was the only hope for Russia. As an ongoing war with Sweden made it impossible for Russia to advance further south, the Russian tsar sent a reconnaissance mission to the Caspian region.

How to Cite

Mustafazadeh, T. (2022). International Competition for Dominance in the Caspian Region (The 20–40s of the 18th Century). The World of the Orient, (3 (116), 16-27.
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Nadir Shah Afshar, Caspian region, Russia, Peter the Great, Ottoman Empire, diplomacy


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