The Concept of Other in the Consciousness of Persian Speakers (Based on the Results of Psycholinguistic Experiment)



  Olena Mazepova


The goal of the paper is to determine the content of the concept of OTHER as a member of “self – other” binary opposition in the consciousness of Persian speakers based on the results of psycholinguistic experiment and their further cognitive interpretation. The need for studying the conceptual structure of this opposition by means of psycholinguistic experiment is determined by the fact that it substantially affects both interpersonal contacts of representatives of a given linguistic society and intercultural relations as a whole. Two methods of psycholinguistic analysis of word semantics have been used in the research, viz. free word association test and the method of direct interpretation of a word meaning. In total 102 Persian speakers of different age and social status took part in the experiment. The associative field of the concept was formed based on the results of processing of the data collected during the 1st stage of the experiment. Its semantic field was determined after analysis of unabridged predications in the course of explanation of the proposed words. Result data were processed using special method of grouping language material based on content-analysis: the benchmark words repeated in the answers of different participants were taken as units of the analysis and regarded as key concept features. At the final stage the cognitive interpretation of the data was performed after the principle of “construing” the meaning of linguistic expressions stipulated by R. Langacker. The obtained results demonstrate that the perceptions of Other in Persian language consciousness completely match the common worldview, in which the notions of Self and Other play an important role in conceptualization of human value system.

How to Cite

Mazepova, O. (2022). The Concept of Other in the Consciousness of Persian Speakers (Based on the Results of Psycholinguistic Experiment). The World of the Orient, (1 (114), 148-156.
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concept of OTHER, “self – other” binary opposition, Persian language, Persian language consciousness, psycholinguistic experiment



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