Interaction of the Community with Tsaddik in the Teachings of r. Haim Elazar Shapira



  Ihor Turov


Chaim Elazar Shapira from Mukachevo was one of the most influential Hasidic leaders of the first half of the 20thcentury. During this turbulent historical period, marked by the destruction of traditional foundations, the question of the basic principles of interaction between the tsaddik and the community became especially acute. In his answer on it, the rebbe of Mukachevo combined two radically opposite tendencies. On the one hand, he calls for devotion to the ideals of the past. On the other hand, rebbe preaches the hastening of the Messiah coming, which was usually condemned by rabbinical authorities. According to r. Shapira, the liberation of the Jewish people can take place at any moment due to the righteous actions of the community of believers. The exile period determined from heaven has not any fundamental importance. The Forces of the darkness continue their domination in the world only because of the broad masses of believers’ inconsistency. Moreover, immortal by their nature tsaddiks die solely as a result of the sins of their followers. The disasters of the period of the First World War and the postwar years were perceived by r. Shapira as events which should precede the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah according to the prophecies. Based on this interpretation, he believed that in such circumstances tsaddiks should not pray for an end of these troubles because it will delay the time of the liberation of the Jewish people and humanity as a whole. The community must understand and support this position of its spiritual leader. This position is not typical for Hasidism. The rebbe of Mukachevo also believed that it was he who succeeded in overthrowing the regime of the Russian tsar and the Austrian and German empires by turning to God with the support of the community.

In general, the doctrine of r. Shapira is an interesting example of combining the traditional concept of messianism with the ideas of the revolutionary movements of modern times. That is why it pays considerable attention to the active participation of the popular masses in the liberation struggle.

How to Cite

Turov, I. (2022). Interaction of the Community with Tsaddik in the Teachings of r. Haim Elazar Shapira. The World of the Orient, (1 (114), 114-133.
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R. Chaim Elazar Shapira, Hasidism, tsaddik, religion, history, politics, First World war, messianism, revolution



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