During its existence in 1906–1914, the Kyiv newspaper Rada published materials on a regular basis that addressed topical issues of economic, social and cultural life of Ukrainians in the Far East in the early 20th century, which aroused great interest in the society of Dnieper Ukraine. In the course of the research, based on the analysis of publications, it was established that the attention of the editors and readers was attracted by the colonization processes that took place in the Green Wedge and Manchuria in the late 19th – early 20th century, as well as interethnic relations. The newspaper’s columns published correspondence about the reasons for the state-organized and spontaneous relocation to the Far East. The contributors vividly characterized the miserable situation in which the Ukrainian colonists found themselves and the unsuitability of their management model for local climatic conditions.
Rada newspaper also paid special attention to the formation of the Ukrainian community and its educational activities. In particular, events to honor the memory of Taras Shevchenko, which were not subject to significant bans, in contrast to Dnieper Ukraine in post-revolutionary times, were widely covered. Analyzing the publications, we can conclude that the program of the Shevchenko Evenings was built according to certain canons and differed little from similar events in Riga, Prague, New York, Kyiv.
An attentive reader of Rada newspaper came to the conclusion that Ukrainian history and culture were of interest to other peoples – Czechs, Poles, and Russians – who also colonized the Far East. It was a hint at the need to nurture the native language, respect the past and consolidate in the struggle for one’s own future. The editorial board also covered in detail the problems of educational activities of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in the Russified urban environment of migrants from Vladivostok, Harbin, and other cities in the region. The issue of limited access of the rural population of the Far East to the Ukrainian books was also raised. Far Eastern issues were covered by several correspondents of the paper: I. Glushko, I. Tkalych, O. Matsyuk. They knew well the life of Ukrainians in the Far East and participated in various cultural events of the community.
How to Cite
Far East, Green Wedge, Manchuria, Rada newspaper, Shevchenko holidays, Ukrainians in the Far East
Амурський та Уссурійський край // Рада, 1909, № 192.
Вбивство // Рада, 1910, № 92.
В гостях у переселенців // Рада, 1906, № 72.
В Харбіні // Рада, 1909, № 99.
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Переселення та внутрішня політика // Рада, 1908, № 189.
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Разсуда-Переверзів І. З Далекого Сходу // Рада, 1909, № 263.
Робота землякам на чужині // Рада, 1909, № 98.
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Сморщковецький Г. Пригоди ходаків в Уссурійський край і переселенська вправа // Рада, 1910, № 68.
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Справа з Шевченковим святом // Рада, 1914, № 80.
Театр і музика // Рада, 1913, № 154.
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